HCJC paper 2004

Hwa Chong Junior College JC2 June Common Test Paper 1 2004
1. Do you agree that poor countries have mainly themselves to blame for the problems they face today?
2. "Modern technology is destroying the art of conversation and the skill of letter-writing." Comment.
3. What can be done to make the citizens of your country more politically aware and active?
4. Discuss two fields of scientific research which you feel hold most promise for mankind and explain why.
5. Why has work lost its meaning for many people in the modern world?
6. "The use of computers in education has done more harm than good." Do you agree?
7. "The arts and business should never mix." What is your view?
8. Do you agree that all forms of terrorism are inevitably self-defeating?
9. To what extent would you consider your society to be truly civilized?
10. Why are people showing an increasing lack of respect for all forms of authority in modern society?
11. "The genetic modification of organisms takes mankind into the realm that belongs to God, and God alone." What is your view?
12. "Live for the moment." Discuss the wisdom of this philosophy.

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